Ceylan Restaurante & Tea House


Av. Bustillo 6922, San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro, Argentina

Mobile +54 9 299 5868697

Ceylan Restaurant & Tea House is located in the "Los Kilómetros" area, exactly at km 7 of Bustillo Avenue. This location gives it spectacular views of the lake.

It is the ideal place to enjoy dishes in its restaurant as well as a delicious tea accompanied by its handmade pastries.
On the menu there are sweet and savory waffles, apple, red fruit, salmon, and many more. Every day there are suggestions that are not on the menu and you will be able to choose directly from our table.
There are vegan, vegetarian and celiac options.

In Ceylan restaurant there is a star dish and it is the Lamb Philo. If you haven't tried it yet, it is shredded lamb wrapped in Philo dough.

Hotels and ccommodations in San Carlos de Bariloche

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