Antar Rent a Car

Car rental

Los Maquis 267, Villa La Angostura, Neuquén, Argentina

Telefono Phone Map Map
Mobile +54 9 2944 486347

The best way to tour Patagonia, Antar Rent a Car. Car rental without driver in Villa la Angostura, Bariloche, El Bolsón, Esquel, San Martín de los Andes and Junín de los Andes. New units equipped with snow tires.

*Be over 25 years old.
*Valid drivers license and credit card.

Delivery after 7 days of car rental can be delivered in Bariloche, at no additional cost. Delivery and reception at home. New units controlled and equipped in winter with snow tires.

24/7 assistance so you can enjoy your trip without worries.

We have different payment methods.

The more days you rent, the cheaper the final cost will be.

Delivery and return at the airport or your accommodation.


  • Porta esquíes
  • silla para bebés
  • Opcional GPS

Hotels and ccommodations in Villa La Angostura

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