Rates in Antillanca 2024.

Ski Pass 2024

15 Days Adult$390.000
15 Days Child / Student / Senior$230.000
10 Days Adult$310.000
10 Days Child / Student / Senior$150.000
5 Days Adult$185.000
5 Days Child / Student / Senior$135.000

At the time you pick up your skiPASS, you must pay the electronic card fee of $5,000 per pass.

If you lose your pass, you will have to block it at the information office and pay $5,000 again to get a new card, which will be charged with the remaining balance of tickets available.

Children: up to 5 years old

Children: from 6 to 12 years old

Adults: 18 to 59 years old

Senior: 60 to 65 years old

Senior Superios: from 65 years of age

Students: 13 to 24 years old

Note: The rates were provided by the ski center, responsible for any modification without prior notice. We suggest you confirm the values before making your reservation.

Rates in Antillanca
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