The best information 2024 about the main winter resorts

All the snow in Patagonia

The coming of the winter announces the general opening of ski resorts in Patagonia. The adventure and thrill promised by winter sports may be breathed even in the distant big cities. After the first light snowfalls, lovers of ski and snowboarding begin to wax their boards and think about the best tourist option in this peculiar area of the planet.

Nestled to both sides of the Andes Mountain Range, the ski and winter resorts in Argentina and Chile are well prepared to provide visitors with outstanding services.

Las Leñas, Chapelco, Catedral, Cerro Bayo,Castor and La Hoya, in Argentina, preserve the mysticism that has made them famous and has attracted many followers for decades to repeat the adventure of skiing every winter.

Ski resorts in Argentina

The same happens on the other side of the Andes, in the Chilean winter resorts of El Portillo, el Colorado, Valle Nevado and Chillán, which also have a magic of their own when everything is covered in white.

Ski resorts in Chile

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