
Frutillar Osorno Volcano from Frutillar- Photo: Jorge González -

The District of Frutillar lies on the west coast of Lake Llanquihue, in the Lake District, 1,000 kilometers away from the capital of Chile, 19 kilometers away from Llanquihue and 25 from Puerto Varas. It is accessed through Route 5 South or Autopista de los Lagos (the Lakes Highway), and then through the lake beltway.

The first settlers built their houses in the outskirts of the bay and devoted themselves to working the land and raising cattle. Local trade was favored by the strategic location of the city between Puerto Montt and Osorno. Years later, the first German colonists arrived in the area and left their imprint on the local architecture and traditions.

Frutillar features a delightful waterfront with ancient grand German houses surrounded by neat gardens. The Yacht Club is open for lovers of nautical activities, including lake tours and optimist lessons at the Sail School. Besides, Lake Llanquihue offers beaches of fine sand, framed by the silhouettes of the Puntiagudo, Osorno, Tronador and Calbuco Volcanoes in the background.

Travelers should not miss the flavors of German cuisine. Cakes, tarts and various recipes have contributed to Chilean gastronomy. The famed kuechen, for instance, is an emblem at the local tea houses.

One of the main attractions in Frutillar is the German Colonial Museum, a venue made up by gorgeous gardens, ponds and old trees. The construction recreates the German architectural features from the nineteenth century and the objects and works on display were donated by local families.

Parque Nativo Forestal, also known as "Memory Wood", is a must visit. It was created in order to preserve the trees and bushes of the native forest. The main tourist event in the city is Frutillar’s Musical Week, celebrated every year from January 5.

Frutillar is an ideal site for holidaymakers who wish to relax within a quiet environment with a lake surrounded by volcanoes.

Tours and excursions in Frutillar 9 Tours and excursions

Map of Frutillar

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