Chile Chico / L. Carrera Activities and Tours

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Chile Chico Imprints
Contemplative tourism

Chile Chico Imprints

The urban grid is made up by broad paved streets embellished by green trees and blessed with lots of sunny days during the year.

Bordering Lake General Carrera
Contemplative tourism

Bordering Lake General Carrera

The road that borders Lake General Carrera unveils small settlements amidst lush and wild nature.

The Beauty of the Carrera
Horseback RidingContemplative tourism

The Beauty of the Carrera

The tour around Lake General Carrera keeps incredible sceneries, adventure activities and comfortable nooks where to spend a few days.

Anglers' Paradise
Contemplative tourismFishing

Anglers' Paradise

At Puerto Bertrand, a marvelous nook that tempts lovers of fly-fishing, we sailed across the lake up to the Baker River mouth.

Chapels Chiseled in Marble
Contemplative tourism

Chapels Chiseled in Marble

Lake General Carrera hosts several natural formations whose greatest beauty is perceived as soon as its inner caves are accessed after a short navigation.

Hotels and accommodations in Chile Chico / Lago G. Carrera

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