Hot Spring Termas Geométricas

Hot spring resorts follow one another in the short distance ranging from Panguipulli to Carirriñe International Pass.

The District of Panguipulli features many attractions, among which its hot spring resorts stand out, both for the mineral components of their waters and for the quality of their service. This is the result of the high level of volcanic events that have taken place in this area and of the Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault, which runs parallel to the Andes Mountain Range. Underground ponds containing high temperature waters as well as inorganic substances which turn out to be extremely beneficial emerge inside the mountain fire belt. We left the City of Panguipulli to go around the Chilean countryside, a space teeming with vegetation, water bodies and winding roads, some of them made of rubble.

We got past Lake Pullinque and the road led us amid hillsides upholstered with Valdivian Rainforest scenes including agricultural farms with very green plantations. We were impressed by the colorful main street of Coñaripe and its sandy shady beaches on Lake Calafquen. We continued travelling after having bought some delicious kuchen at a local bakery. The next attraction we visited was Los Añiques Slope, which goes across a thick forest gallery full of bends.

  • Harmonizes with the landscape

    Harmonizes with the landscape

  • Baths of Coñaripe

    Baths of Coñaripe

  • First class cuisine

    First class cuisine

  • Outdoor pools

    Outdoor pools

  • Indoor pools

    Indoor pools

Los Vergara Hot Springs lie 14 kilometers from Coñaripe, in the area known as Los Cajones, by the Aihué River. In addition to the outdoor pools, there is an indoor pool and hot tub baths available. It is possible to enjoy other activities such as hikingzip-lining inside this natural environment. Fly-fishing and rafting are also practiced on the Llancahue River. The six hot spring pools and the good taste with which the venue is decorated places it among the main temptations in the region. Outdoor and indoor pools, as well as hydrotherapy options, complete the thermal therapies with skin and relaxation treatments at its coquettish spa.

A stay of several days at its cabins with first-class cuisine represents a whole vacation. Another hot spring resort known as Termas GeométricasCajón Negro feature a very particular kind of construction that mingles with the surrounding scene. Various footbridges lead to from one pool to the next as they get deep into the mountain. The waters are enjoyed at the very spot where they emerge and the baths are available outdoors in the middle of the native forest. There is a chance to stay until late at night and have a bath in the moonlightcandlelight. In summer nights, this becomes an experience full of magic. Upon reaching Liquiñe, Manquecura, Carranco, Liquiñe River and Hipólito Muñreoz Hot Springs awaited.

As the first hot spring venues in this areas were arranged by Mapuche communities, their roots may be seen in different expressions, such as typical celebrationsthe use of wood in delightful crafts. The natural resources in this region are available outdoors and in screened areas, including thermal mud and steam baths. The venue’s cabins, rustic dormitories and camping site offer the chance to stay more than one day inside a rural community of great beauty.

The mountain provides the opportunity to appreciate what the body feels after being immersed in these waters rich in phosphorous for several minutes, when it recovers and cools down in the open air to go onto the next bath. The natural pools offer several infrastructures and services preserving the original charm and therapeutic attributes to relax and feel well.

Autor Mónica Pons Fotografo Gentileza Termas Geométricas

Contact of the excursion or tour

Termas Geométricas

Km. 16 Cno Coñaripe a Parque Nac. Villarrica, Panguipulli, X Región, Chile

Cell Phone Cell Phone: +56 74771708

Termas Coñaripe

Km. 16 - Cno a Liquiñe, Panguipulli, X Región, Chile

Cell Phone Cell Phone: +56 68332419

Tour KindTour Kind: Hot Springs Tour.
Recommendations The distance between Panguipulli and Liquiñe is 55 kilometers.
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