Osorno stands out for its buildings boasting European influence, its parks, squares and waterfront promenades with lush vegetation in the areas near the rivers that go across it. Our tour began at the Plaza de Armas, which concentrates the main public buildings and San Mateo church cathedral with its pointed arches. Ever since 1577, it has been rebuilt five times. As a result of its excellent acoustics, it welcomes music galas and concerts during Frutillar’s Musical Weeks. That same block shows off a large pool with multicolor lights and a cinnamon tree planted by Chilean poet Gabriela Mistral back in 1938. Steps away from the Plaza de Armas, on Matta Street, Osorno Cultural Center is worth a visit, as its interesting plays and art shows give evidence of the artistic development of the city. cancagua stones in 1793 and they treasure the past of the city and its surroundings. Another natural attraction at Osorno unveils at the Damas River, where Cuarto Centenario Park invites visitors to walk amidst native species, including monkey-puzzle trees, oak trees, lengas and olive trees. The soft breeze moving the canopies and a pleasant smell created a pleasant atmosphere. The stretch of International Route 215 that starts at Osorno goes around the lake district and ends at the Argentinian border. It concentrates hot springs, rivers, cascades, a ski resort and volcanoes inside the Valdivian rainforest. Route U-40, instead, goes along the coastline and features picturesque inlets and swim holes. Maicolpué and Pucatrihue Beaches, surrounded by native forests, are very popular in the summer, due to their extreme beauty.