Puerto Deseado

Puerto Deseado Puerto Deseado: Old Station - Photo: Palmiro Bedeschi
Deep blue cold water, an endless sea, bays, cliffs and capes are some of the images captured along the 965 km. coast of Santa Cruz.
Noisy sea birds colonies captivate nature and adventure lovers in these defying virgin territories.
Puerto Deseado is situated in a north-south direction, and one can access by a deviation east in national route Nº 3 to take national route Nº 281 in Fitz Roy.
Puerto Deseado is a real paradise for fauna lovers. It is a beach city connected to the Atlantic ocean by an estuary.
The main economic activities are fishing and tourism. Today the city has some 9.000 inhabitants.
This city situated to the south of Golfo San Jorge marvels with its changing colorful topography.

Tours and excursions in Puerto Deseado 9 Tours and excursions

Map of Puerto Deseado

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